Category Archives: Artifical Intelligence
Steven J Cohen CFA Newsletter Q2 2021
Economy & Capital Markets: In June the US Fed, improved expectations of 2021 growth to 7% and inflation to 3.4% and, indicated that they expect to increase interest rates to 0.6% in 2023, a long way off. The PB of China views: resident consumption constrained, problems for small businesses and fiscal imbalances for several regional …
Kings Portfolio Newsletter Q1 2021
Economy & Capital Markets: During the period yields on the 10 year US Treasury increased to 1.76% from 0.67% a year ago, but 1 year bill yields fell to 0.07% from 0.15%, whilst the US Federal Reserve projected inflation for 2021 of 2.4% falling back to 2% next year. With negative real yields across the …
Kings Portfolio Tear Sheet 2021Q1
Kings Portfolio Newsletter Q4 2020
Economy & Capital Markets: Uncertainties in 2020 (Brexit, Covid, US elections, elongation of the economic cycle) have now dissipated. Unemployment remains elevated and inflation absent, permitting central bankers to continue their folly of creating massive wealth inequality through near to zero interest rates, as apposed to increasing the volocity of money. Interestingly governments across the …
Kings Portfolio Tear sheet Q4 2020
Kings Portfolio Newsletter Q3 2020
Economy & Capital Markets US equity markets moved to new all-time highs and the fastest ever recovery from a bear market as, Central Bank liquidity moved to assets whilst avoiding the huge economic capacity. In a well flagged move the US Federal Reserve Bank now target (excess) average inflation as a policy goal, that had …
Kings Portfolio Tear sheet Q3 2020
Kings Portfolio Newsletter Q2 2020
Kings Portfolio Newsletter Q2 2020 – “A game of inches” Economy & Capital Markets The US Federal Reserve expects to hold short term interest rates at 0.1% for the next three years. At present the ECB’s short term rate is 0%, the BoJ’s -0.1%, the SNB’s -0.75% and PBC’s 3.85%; punishing cautious savers, pensions and …