Steven J Cohen CFA Newsletter Q4 2022

Economy & Capital Markets: The US Federal Reserve Bank identifies 0.5% as the long run REAL interest rate. This implies that production (or tax revenue) expansion needed to payback a loan and interest is also expected to be 0.5%. Given the exponential technological advances and still positive demographic growth, there must be many areas where …

Steven J Cohen CFA Newsletter Q3 2022

Economy & Capital Markets: The US Federal Reserve Bank identifies 0.5% as the long run REAL interest rate. This implies that production (or tax revenue) expansion needed to payback a loan and interest is also expected to be 0.5%. Given the exponential technological advances and still positive demographic growth, there must be many areas where …

Newsletter Q3 2021

Economy & Capital Markets: In September the US Fed, revised expectations of 2021 growth down to 5.9% and inflation up to 4.2% whilst, indicating the Federal Funds rate will rise to 0.3% in 2022 and then to 1% in 2023. The Peoples Bank of China views: contact-based consumption constrained, problems for small businesses and manufacturing …

Steven J Cohen CFA Newsletter Q2 2021

Economy & Capital Markets: In June the US Fed, improved expectations of 2021 growth to 7% and inflation to 3.4% and, indicated that they expect to increase interest rates to 0.6% in 2023, a long way off. The PB of China views: resident consumption constrained, problems for small businesses and fiscal imbalances for several regional …

Kings Portfolio Newsletter Q1 2021

Economy & Capital Markets: During the period yields on the 10 year US Treasury increased to 1.76% from 0.67% a year ago, but 1 year bill yields fell to 0.07% from 0.15%, whilst the US Federal Reserve projected inflation for 2021 of 2.4% falling back to 2% next year. With negative real yields across the …


Originally Published July 19th, 2010. According to the Nationwide Building Society, UK new home prices have risen 3% in the first half of 2010, following a previous flat year. This amounts to an astonishing recovery from the global pessimism that remains in most developed economies. So is it sustainable, and why? Like gold bullion, London …